


Monday, March 28, 2011

~ KBU & CKT Sg. Dua ~

Sunday, March 27, 2011

~ Gath KBU - Sempoi, Gempak & Terbaeekkk!!! ~

Baru sempat nak buat entri pasal gath KBU yang diadakan di Tanjung Asam, Pulau Pinang pada 26/03/11 iaitu hari sabtu. Tiada kata yang aku dapat ungkapkan untuk gathering KBU yang aku p neh.. memang gempak abis arrr..... 1st time aku join gath yang best macam nie. Cuma cuaca tidak menyebelahi kami pada hari tersebut... Hujan sepanjang hari... sedikit sebanyak menurunkan peratus ke'gempak'kan yang sepatutnya sampai ke tahap maksimum haha! Ahli-ahli KBU yang join gath nie memang sempoi-sempai abis... sampai aku naik sogan pown ada...

Yang neh geng blogger gadis/perempuan/wanita yang hadir

Yang ni pulak geng Blogger Lelaki/Jejaka/Teruna huhu~
 Nie regu campuran....tapi tak berapa balance kot haha!
geng-geng yang selalu memeningkan aku...... Dari kiri Onie Iyoko , Erika Rain, Aku, & Tatia Bulat

Pic nie nampak smart, ada seni haha! Thanks kepada Inchik Eman.
Apa yang aku tengah buat..??? buat tak tau sudah.... 
 Safee Sali kah itu???? hahaha!
 Geng "Double Trouble" KSP & Muhd Fadil

 Antara makanan yang dihidangkan....gambaq satay x sempat ambik!!! dh abis...huhu~

Cukup la dulu kowt...klu ikut nak share gambaq, memang penuh blog aku neh hehe!

Secara Keseluruhannya, aku amat berpuas hati dengan perjumpaan ahli-ahli KBU nie, Terima kasih diucapkan kepada Cik Gksb selaku Founder KBU dan jugak organizer untuk Gathering kali nie... Tak lupa juga kepada semua yang terlibat secara langsung ataupun tidak bagi menjayakan perjumpaan nie.. Lain kali kalau nak buat habaq naa... nak join lagi... hahaha!

P/S : Ingat naaa... saya mikro KOKUS bukan mikro KUKUS hahaha! Makaceh...=)


~ Gath KBU - Sempoi, Gempak & Terbaeekkk!!! ~

Baru sempat nak buat entri pasal gath KBU yang diadakan di Tanjung Asam, Pulau Pinang pada 26/03/11 iaitu hari sabtu. Tiada kata yang aku dapat ungkapkan untuk gathering KBU yang aku p neh.. memang gempak abis arrr..... 1st time aku join gath yang best macam nie. Cuma cuaca tidak menyebelahi kami pada hari tersebut... Hujan sepanjang hari... sedikit sebanyak menurunkan peratus ke'gempak'kan yang sepatutnya sampai ke tahap maksimum haha! Ahli-ahli KBU yang join gath nie memang sempoi-sempai abis... sampai aku naik sogan pown ada...

Yang neh geng blogger gadis/perempuan/wanita yang hadir

Yang ni pulak geng Blogger Lelaki/Jejaka/Teruna huhu~
 Nie regu campuran....tapi tak berapa balance kot haha!
geng-geng yang selalu memeningkan aku...... Dari kiri Onie Iyoko , Erika Rain, Aku, & Tatia Bulat

Pic nie nampak smart, ada seni haha! Thanks kepada Inchik Eman.
Apa yang aku tengah buat..??? buat tak tau sudah.... 
 Safee Sali kah itu???? hahaha!
 Geng "Double Trouble" KSP & Muhd Fadil

 Antara makanan yang dihidangkan....gambaq satay x sempat ambik!!! dh abis...huhu~

Cukup la dulu kowt...klu ikut nak share gambaq, memang penuh blog aku neh hehe!

Secara Keseluruhannya, aku amat berpuas hati dengan perjumpaan ahli-ahli KBU nie, Terima kasih diucapkan kepada Cik Gksb selaku Founder KBU dan jugak organizer untuk Gathering kali nie... Tak lupa juga kepada semua yang terlibat secara langsung ataupun tidak bagi menjayakan perjumpaan nie.. Lain kali kalau nak buat habaq naa... nak join lagi... hahaha!

P/S : Ingat naaa... saya mikro KOKUS bukan mikro KUKUS hahaha! Makaceh...=)


Thursday, March 24, 2011

~ Kelab Blogger Utagha (KBU) - Gathering + Program Amal ~

Sekarang nie macam-macam aku duk rasa....suka, nebes, x sabaq,  teruja, sogan dan lain-lain haha! Maklumlah nie 1st time aku nk hadir gathering yang aku rasa akan jadi meriah & gempak abiss....  Semua ahli-ahli KBU aku tengok bersemangat bebenor pasal gath nie huhu~ Apapun aku nak ucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah berkerja keras untuk menjayakan gathering nie... Kasi tabik spring lah dkt ampa semua.... ^_^ Seperti yang diwar-warkan dalam Akbar Sinar Harian, Kami Blogger Utagha akan mengadakan perjumpaan rasmi dan program amal pada Sabtu, 26 Mac ini di Tanjung Asam, Pulau Pinang. Program ini diserikan lagi dengan kehadiran anak-anak yatim dari Rumah Sinaran Kasih dan program amal membersihkan Pantai Tanjung Asam, Pulau Pinang. Berikut disenaraikan beberapa info yang berkenaan untuk makluman....

Map Tanjung Asam, Teluk Kumbar, P.Pinang

Perjalanan Program

12.00 PM : Ketibaan para jemputan
12.30 PM : Sesi "Ice Breaking"
  1.00 PM : Makan tengahari
  1.45 PM : Solat Zohor
  2.30 PM : Sukaneka
  4.00 PM : Interaktif Sosial
  4.45 PM : Solat Asar
  5.15 PM : Cuci-cuci pantai
  6.15 PM : Bersurai

Info lain;
1. Peserta diwajibkan membeli hadiah untuk acara 'tukar-tukar hadiah'. Anggaran hadiah beharga minima RM3 dan tiada had maksima
2. Setiap peserta sila bawa air masak sekurang-kurang 1.5 liter.
3. Sila bawak baju salin, kerana ada acara sukan nanti.
4. Keselamatan peserta sepanjang pergi dan balik ke tempat program dan dan sepangjang program berlangsung adalah dibawah tanggungjawab sendiri.

Senarai Blogger KBU yang akan Hadir 

1. Adish Shida
2. Syukri Hasshan
3. Syakira Yaakub
4. Adam Zulhilmi
5. Daus
6. Onie Iyoko
7. Erika
8. Tatia Bulat
9. Nur Syaliza
10. Nana
11. Mikro Kokus
12. Efa
13. Ady Soleh Ahmad
14. Epol (atau sapa2 yg ady bawa)
15. Papa Khai
16. Wife papa Khai
17. Hajar
18. Cik Ciput
19. Cahaya Wani
20. Cik Zai Penang
21. Nora
22. Noor Badriah
23. Pak cu
24. Eva Natasha
25. Nadzli
26. Nadzri
27. Megat
28. Siti Juisza
29. Izamir Ridzwan
30. Adi Suda
31. Juan
32. Rasanya ada lagi neh............ ^_^


Perjalanan Kenderaan Sebelum Program
Dari Kangar
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)

Tol Alor Star Selatan 
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)
- Shakira Yaakub (Cik Ciput)

Tol Pendang
- Shakira Yaakub (Cik Ciput, Anit Abil Chan dan Wany) 
- Adish Shida ( Ady Soleh, Anith Shasha Chan) 
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)

Tol Tikam Batu 
- Shakira Yaakub (Cik Ciput, Anit Abil Chan dan Wany)                         
- Adish Shida ( Ady Soleh, Anith Shasha Chan)
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)
- Papa Khai dan family, Siti Jusiza

Tol Sungai Dua 
- Shakira Yaakub (Cik Ciput, Anit Abil Chan dan Wany, Nana)                         
- Adish Shida ( Ady Soleh, Anith Shasha Chan, Nur Amalina) 
- Papa Khai dan family, Siti Jusiza
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)

Hospital Sbrg Jaya 
- Shakira Yaakub (Cik Ciput, Anit Abil Chan dan Wany, Nana)                                 
- Adish Shida (Ady Soleh, Anith Shasha Chan, Nur Amalina)
- Papa Khai dan family, Siti Jusiza
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)
- Mikro Kokus (Eva Natasha, Fatyn)
- Nadh Zher Ee, Nadzli, Onie, Erika, Fatin)
Pdg USM Minden 
- Semua peserta berkumpul di sini sebelum ke Tanjong Asam

 Ingin mendaftar sebagai ahli KBU? - klik sini

Credit to : Pakcu Sofi

~ Kelab Blogger Utagha (KBU) - Gathering + Program Amal ~

Sekarang nie macam-macam aku duk rasa....suka, nebes, x sabaq,  teruja, sogan dan lain-lain haha! Maklumlah nie 1st time aku nk hadir gathering yang aku rasa akan jadi meriah & gempak abiss....  Semua ahli-ahli KBU aku tengok bersemangat bebenor pasal gath nie huhu~ Apapun aku nak ucapkan terima kasih kepada semua yang telah berkerja keras untuk menjayakan gathering nie... Kasi tabik spring lah dkt ampa semua.... ^_^ Seperti yang diwar-warkan dalam Akbar Sinar Harian, Kami Blogger Utagha akan mengadakan perjumpaan rasmi dan program amal pada Sabtu, 26 Mac ini di Tanjung Asam, Pulau Pinang. Program ini diserikan lagi dengan kehadiran anak-anak yatim dari Rumah Sinaran Kasih dan program amal membersihkan Pantai Tanjung Asam, Pulau Pinang. Berikut disenaraikan beberapa info yang berkenaan untuk makluman....

Map Tanjung Asam, Teluk Kumbar, P.Pinang

Perjalanan Program

12.00 PM : Ketibaan para jemputan
12.30 PM : Sesi "Ice Breaking"
  1.00 PM : Makan tengahari
  1.45 PM : Solat Zohor
  2.30 PM : Sukaneka
  4.00 PM : Interaktif Sosial
  4.45 PM : Solat Asar
  5.15 PM : Cuci-cuci pantai
  6.15 PM : Bersurai

Info lain;
1. Peserta diwajibkan membeli hadiah untuk acara 'tukar-tukar hadiah'. Anggaran hadiah beharga minima RM3 dan tiada had maksima
2. Setiap peserta sila bawa air masak sekurang-kurang 1.5 liter.
3. Sila bawak baju salin, kerana ada acara sukan nanti.
4. Keselamatan peserta sepanjang pergi dan balik ke tempat program dan dan sepangjang program berlangsung adalah dibawah tanggungjawab sendiri.

Senarai Blogger KBU yang akan Hadir 

1. Adish Shida
2. Syukri Hasshan
3. Syakira Yaakub
4. Adam Zulhilmi
5. Daus
6. Onie Iyoko
7. Erika
8. Tatia Bulat
9. Nur Syaliza
10. Nana
11. Mikro Kokus
12. Efa
13. Ady Soleh Ahmad
14. Epol (atau sapa2 yg ady bawa)
15. Papa Khai
16. Wife papa Khai
17. Hajar
18. Cik Ciput
19. Cahaya Wani
20. Cik Zai Penang
21. Nora
22. Noor Badriah
23. Pak cu
24. Eva Natasha
25. Nadzli
26. Nadzri
27. Megat
28. Siti Juisza
29. Izamir Ridzwan
30. Adi Suda
31. Juan
32. Rasanya ada lagi neh............ ^_^


Perjalanan Kenderaan Sebelum Program
Dari Kangar
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)

Tol Alor Star Selatan 
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)
- Shakira Yaakub (Cik Ciput)

Tol Pendang
- Shakira Yaakub (Cik Ciput, Anit Abil Chan dan Wany) 
- Adish Shida ( Ady Soleh, Anith Shasha Chan) 
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)

Tol Tikam Batu 
- Shakira Yaakub (Cik Ciput, Anit Abil Chan dan Wany)                         
- Adish Shida ( Ady Soleh, Anith Shasha Chan)
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)
- Papa Khai dan family, Siti Jusiza

Tol Sungai Dua 
- Shakira Yaakub (Cik Ciput, Anit Abil Chan dan Wany, Nana)                         
- Adish Shida ( Ady Soleh, Anith Shasha Chan, Nur Amalina) 
- Papa Khai dan family, Siti Jusiza
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)

Hospital Sbrg Jaya 
- Shakira Yaakub (Cik Ciput, Anit Abil Chan dan Wany, Nana)                                 
- Adish Shida (Ady Soleh, Anith Shasha Chan, Nur Amalina)
- Papa Khai dan family, Siti Jusiza
- Shaliza (Nora, Munet, Nana)
- Mikro Kokus (Eva Natasha, Fatyn)
- Nadh Zher Ee, Nadzli, Onie, Erika, Fatin)
Pdg USM Minden 
- Semua peserta berkumpul di sini sebelum ke Tanjong Asam

 Ingin mendaftar sebagai ahli KBU? - klik sini

Credit to : Pakcu Sofi

Monday, March 21, 2011

~ J-pop/K-pop PV pilihan ~

Entri kali nie aku nak kongsikan lagi beberapa MV J-pop & K-pop yang aku sedang layan pada waktu dan ketka ini ^_^ Rasanya bulan nie mood aku lebih kepada lagu-lagu jepun & korea haha! Bulan lepas layan lagu Indo-pop ja......

1. 4Minute - WHY

2. AAA - Step

3. 9Nine - Shining Star

4. KAT-TUN - Ultimate Wheel

5. Jamosa Feat. Jay'ed & Wakadanna - Nanika Hitotsu

6. AAA - Daiji no Koto

P/S : Susah betul nak cari PV AAA - Daiji no Koto di Utube..........

~ J-pop/K-pop PV pilihan ~

Entri kali nie aku nak kongsikan lagi beberapa MV J-pop & K-pop yang aku sedang layan pada waktu dan ketka ini ^_^ Rasanya bulan nie mood aku lebih kepada lagu-lagu jepun & korea haha! Bulan lepas layan lagu Indo-pop ja......

1. 4Minute - WHY

2. AAA - Step

3. 9Nine - Shining Star

4. KAT-TUN - Ultimate Wheel

5. Jamosa Feat. Jay'ed & Wakadanna - Nanika Hitotsu

6. AAA - Daiji no Koto

P/S : Susah betul nak cari PV AAA - Daiji no Koto di Utube..........

Saturday, March 19, 2011

~ Upcoming Jdrama April-July 2011 (Part 2) ~

Ok, untuk entri kali nie, aku nak sambung berkenaan Jdrama yang akan ditayangkan pada bulan April-Julai 2011 nanti. Tayangan di Jepun ok, bukan di Malaysia hehe!

6. Hancho ~ Jinnansho Azumi-han (Season 4)

Details :-

Cast :-


This is a story about the detectives at the Jinnan Police Station in Harajuku, Tokyo. Azumi Tsuyoshi, head of the Criminal Affairs Department trusts his staff and usually does not interfere with their investigation.

7. Muscle Girl
Details :-
  • Title: マッスルガール!
  • Title (romaji): Muscle Girl
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Drama
  • Episodes: TBA
  • Viewership ratings: TBA
  • Broadcast network: TBS
  • Air Time: Tuesday 24:55
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-19 to ?
  • Official Site:

Cast :-
Shiratori Azusa (Ichikawa Yui) is the only child of the owner of a small female pro wrestling group called ‘Shiratori Girls Pro Wrestling’. When her father dies of illness, she struggles to keep ‘Shiratori Girls Pro Wrestling’ going. However, it is extremely difficult to run a business which continues to be in the red and mired in debt. The group is on the verge of breakup. At that moment, their referee leaves behind a letter with the words, “I quit” and disappears on the day of a performance match. A frantic Azusa hustles a Korean youth she encounters on the streets to be her improvised referee just for the day. In truth, he is a popular star in South Korea … The two of them have entirely different nationalities and upbringing, but they soon unite in a match for survival against a strong rival group and also grow conscious of each other ..
8. Umareru
 Details :-

Cast :-


A 51 year old mother becomes pregnant. Because of the pregnancy, the family's long held secret is threatened to be revealed and the normalcy of their lives is brought upside down. 

9.  Shima Shima

Details :-
  • Title: シマシマ
  • Title (romaji): Shima Shima
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Drama
  • Episodes: TBA
  • Viewership ratings: TBA
  • Broadcast network: TBS
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-22 to ?
  • Air Time: Friday 24:35 
  • Official Site:

Cast :-


The story revolves around a woman named Shio who runs an aromatherapy salon. After her husband’s affair leads to their divorce, she finds herself unable to sleep well. This leads her to start a service called “Striped Sheep” for women like herself, hiring a group of handsome young men to serve as “sleep companions” for those who have trouble falling asleep alone.

10. JIN 2
Details :-
  • Title: JIN-仁-
  • Title (romaji): Jin 2
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Sci-fi, medical, jidaigeki
  • Broadcast network: TBS 
  • Episodes: 11
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-17 to 2011-Jun-26
  • Air time: Sunday 21:00
  • Theme song: Aitakute Ima by MISIA

Cast :-


The story follows a brain surgeon named, Minakata Jin, who has spent the last two years in anguish, as his fiancee lies in a vegetative state after an operation he performed. One day, he faints at the hospital and awakens to find himself transported back in time to the Edo period. He is soon attacked by a samurai, but he escapes with the help of a man named Kyotaro. Kyotaro suffers a serious injury to the head while trying to protect him, but Jin manages to save his life despite a lack of proper medical equipment. Because of that, Kyotaro's sister Saki begins taking an interest in Jin and becomes his assistant. Meanwhile, Jin is determined to find a way back to the present <--- (JIN Season 1)

P/S : Aku tak dapat cari info Synopsis untuk JIN 2, Harap maklum..... ^_^

~ Upcoming Jdrama April-July 2011 (Part 2) ~

Ok, untuk entri kali nie, aku nak sambung berkenaan Jdrama yang akan ditayangkan pada bulan April-Julai 2011 nanti. Tayangan di Jepun ok, bukan di Malaysia hehe!

6. Hancho ~ Jinnansho Azumi-han (Season 4)

Details :-

Cast :-


This is a story about the detectives at the Jinnan Police Station in Harajuku, Tokyo. Azumi Tsuyoshi, head of the Criminal Affairs Department trusts his staff and usually does not interfere with their investigation.

7. Muscle Girl
Details :-
  • Title: マッスルガール!
  • Title (romaji): Muscle Girl
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Drama
  • Episodes: TBA
  • Viewership ratings: TBA
  • Broadcast network: TBS
  • Air Time: Tuesday 24:55
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-19 to ?
  • Official Site:

Cast :-
Shiratori Azusa (Ichikawa Yui) is the only child of the owner of a small female pro wrestling group called ‘Shiratori Girls Pro Wrestling’. When her father dies of illness, she struggles to keep ‘Shiratori Girls Pro Wrestling’ going. However, it is extremely difficult to run a business which continues to be in the red and mired in debt. The group is on the verge of breakup. At that moment, their referee leaves behind a letter with the words, “I quit” and disappears on the day of a performance match. A frantic Azusa hustles a Korean youth she encounters on the streets to be her improvised referee just for the day. In truth, he is a popular star in South Korea … The two of them have entirely different nationalities and upbringing, but they soon unite in a match for survival against a strong rival group and also grow conscious of each other ..
8. Umareru
 Details :-

Cast :-


A 51 year old mother becomes pregnant. Because of the pregnancy, the family's long held secret is threatened to be revealed and the normalcy of their lives is brought upside down. 

9.  Shima Shima

Details :-
  • Title: シマシマ
  • Title (romaji): Shima Shima
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Drama
  • Episodes: TBA
  • Viewership ratings: TBA
  • Broadcast network: TBS
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-22 to ?
  • Air Time: Friday 24:35 
  • Official Site:

Cast :-


The story revolves around a woman named Shio who runs an aromatherapy salon. After her husband’s affair leads to their divorce, she finds herself unable to sleep well. This leads her to start a service called “Striped Sheep” for women like herself, hiring a group of handsome young men to serve as “sleep companions” for those who have trouble falling asleep alone.

10. JIN 2
Details :-
  • Title: JIN-仁-
  • Title (romaji): Jin 2
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Sci-fi, medical, jidaigeki
  • Broadcast network: TBS 
  • Episodes: 11
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-17 to 2011-Jun-26
  • Air time: Sunday 21:00
  • Theme song: Aitakute Ima by MISIA

Cast :-


The story follows a brain surgeon named, Minakata Jin, who has spent the last two years in anguish, as his fiancee lies in a vegetative state after an operation he performed. One day, he faints at the hospital and awakens to find himself transported back in time to the Edo period. He is soon attacked by a samurai, but he escapes with the help of a man named Kyotaro. Kyotaro suffers a serious injury to the head while trying to protect him, but Jin manages to save his life despite a lack of proper medical equipment. Because of that, Kyotaro's sister Saki begins taking an interest in Jin and becomes his assistant. Meanwhile, Jin is determined to find a way back to the present <--- (JIN Season 1)

P/S : Aku tak dapat cari info Synopsis untuk JIN 2, Harap maklum..... ^_^

Friday, March 18, 2011

~ Upcoming Jdrama April-July 2011 (Part 1) ~

Kali nie aku nak share sedikit informasi berkenaan Jdrama-Jdrama yang akan ditayangkan di jepun mulai bulan April hingga Julai nanti. Aku rasa ada lebih kurang 23 buah Jdrama kesemuanya huhu! banyak tu..... jenuh pilih la jdrama mana yang berkenan. Bagi yang meminati Jdrama, boleh la tengok-tengok Jdrama mana yang nak layan nanti :)

1. Shiawase ni Narou Yo

Details :-

Title: 幸せになろうよ
Title (romaji): Shiawase ni Narou yo
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Romantic comedy
Episodes: TBA
Viewership rating: TBA
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2011-Apr start
Air time: Monday 21:00
Cast :-

The story involves Katori playing a successful advisor at a marriage consultation agency that aims to bring together people looking for partners. Kuroki plays one of the agency’s clients, who is “so beautiful” that the manual he uses doesn’t apply to her, while Fujiki plays a rich and handsome lawyer who is also a client. Katori starts to fall for Kuroki, but as a professional, he pairs the two together. --Tokyograph 

2. Namae o Nakushita Megami

Details :- 

  • Title: 名前をなくした女神
  • Title (romaji): Namae o Nakushita Megami
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Drama
  • Episodes: TBA
  • Viewership ratings: TBA
  • Broadcast network: Fuji TV
  • Air Time: Tuesday 21:00
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-00 to ? 
  • Official Site: 
Cast :-


28-year-old Akiyama Yuko (Anne) has a bright and fearless personality. After graduation from college, she worked at a home builder and even continued with her job after the birth of her son, leaving him in the care of a nursery school. However, she is suddenly laid off because of the recession and unwittingly becomes a full-time housewife.

Her child’s ‘entrance exam’ has been alien to her up to now, but she decides to make him take the exam as a result of the influence of a group of mothers (Ono Machiko, Kimura Yoshino, Ryo, Kurashina Kana) she encounters at her new place of residence. Yuko gets embroiled in the discord between her bosom female friends, and her values are gradually shaken for the first time in her life.

3. Good Life ~ Arigato Papa, Sayonara 


  • Title: グッドライフ~ありがとう、パパ。さよなら~
  • Title (romaji): Good Life~Arigato, Papa. Sayonara~
  • Title (english): Good Life~Thank you, Papa. Goodbye~
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Drama
  • Episodes: TBA
  • Viewership ratings: TBA
  • Broadcast network: Fuji TV
  • Air Time: Tuesday 22:00
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-00 to ? 
  • Official Site:



Divorced father Daichi Sawamoto (Takashi Sorimachi) lives a difficult life due to financial difficulties and the illness of his son, who has leukemia. Daichi Sawamoto then makes the decision to sell one of his body organs to pay for his son's bone-marrow transplant surgery. When the father then discovers the devastating news that he has a terminal illness he sends his son to live with his mother without telling his son the true reason why .... 

4. Boss (Season 2)


Cast :-


Starting from the end of season 1, Eriko Osawa's (Yuki Amami) cellphone rings at Narita International Airport as she about to leave the country. She will then return to the special detective unit to take on a case that will shake the entire country. 

5.  Marumo no Okite


  • Title: マルモのおきて
  • Title (romaji): Marumo no Okite
  • Title (english): The Tradition of Malmo
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Drama
  • Episodes: TBA
  • Viewership ratings: TBA
  • Broadcast network: Fuji TV
  • Air Time: Sunday 21:00
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-00 to ? 
  • Official Site:



Abe plays the single Takagi Mamoru, an employee at a stationery maker. He ends up becoming the guardian of his deceased friend’s twin children, played by Ashida and actor Suzuki Fuku (6). The show is primarily a home drama about the three of them gradually becoming a family, but it also contains an element of fantasy, as the two kids find a dog that can speak (played by a male Miniature Schnauzer). The “Marumo” in the title refers to the children’s mispronunciation of Mamoru’s name.

P/S : Dalam list nie aku pilih BOSS (Season 2) sebab aku dah layan yang 1st Season....^_^ Bersambung di Part 2.........

~ Upcoming Jdrama April-July 2011 (Part 1) ~

Kali nie aku nak share sedikit informasi berkenaan Jdrama-Jdrama yang akan ditayangkan di jepun mulai bulan April hingga Julai nanti. Aku rasa ada lebih kurang 23 buah Jdrama kesemuanya huhu! banyak tu..... jenuh pilih la jdrama mana yang berkenan. Bagi yang meminati Jdrama, boleh la tengok-tengok Jdrama mana yang nak layan nanti :)

1. Shiawase ni Narou Yo

Details :-

Title: 幸せになろうよ
Title (romaji): Shiawase ni Narou yo
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Romantic comedy
Episodes: TBA
Viewership rating: TBA
Broadcast network: Fuji TV
Broadcast period: 2011-Apr start
Air time: Monday 21:00
Cast :-

The story involves Katori playing a successful advisor at a marriage consultation agency that aims to bring together people looking for partners. Kuroki plays one of the agency’s clients, who is “so beautiful” that the manual he uses doesn’t apply to her, while Fujiki plays a rich and handsome lawyer who is also a client. Katori starts to fall for Kuroki, but as a professional, he pairs the two together. --Tokyograph 

2. Namae o Nakushita Megami

Details :- 

  • Title: 名前をなくした女神
  • Title (romaji): Namae o Nakushita Megami
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Drama
  • Episodes: TBA
  • Viewership ratings: TBA
  • Broadcast network: Fuji TV
  • Air Time: Tuesday 21:00
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-00 to ? 
  • Official Site: 
Cast :-


28-year-old Akiyama Yuko (Anne) has a bright and fearless personality. After graduation from college, she worked at a home builder and even continued with her job after the birth of her son, leaving him in the care of a nursery school. However, she is suddenly laid off because of the recession and unwittingly becomes a full-time housewife.

Her child’s ‘entrance exam’ has been alien to her up to now, but she decides to make him take the exam as a result of the influence of a group of mothers (Ono Machiko, Kimura Yoshino, Ryo, Kurashina Kana) she encounters at her new place of residence. Yuko gets embroiled in the discord between her bosom female friends, and her values are gradually shaken for the first time in her life.

3. Good Life ~ Arigato Papa, Sayonara 


  • Title: グッドライフ~ありがとう、パパ。さよなら~
  • Title (romaji): Good Life~Arigato, Papa. Sayonara~
  • Title (english): Good Life~Thank you, Papa. Goodbye~
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Drama
  • Episodes: TBA
  • Viewership ratings: TBA
  • Broadcast network: Fuji TV
  • Air Time: Tuesday 22:00
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-00 to ? 
  • Official Site:



Divorced father Daichi Sawamoto (Takashi Sorimachi) lives a difficult life due to financial difficulties and the illness of his son, who has leukemia. Daichi Sawamoto then makes the decision to sell one of his body organs to pay for his son's bone-marrow transplant surgery. When the father then discovers the devastating news that he has a terminal illness he sends his son to live with his mother without telling his son the true reason why .... 

4. Boss (Season 2)


Cast :-


Starting from the end of season 1, Eriko Osawa's (Yuki Amami) cellphone rings at Narita International Airport as she about to leave the country. She will then return to the special detective unit to take on a case that will shake the entire country. 

5.  Marumo no Okite


  • Title: マルモのおきて
  • Title (romaji): Marumo no Okite
  • Title (english): The Tradition of Malmo
  • Format: Renzoku
  • Genre: Drama
  • Episodes: TBA
  • Viewership ratings: TBA
  • Broadcast network: Fuji TV
  • Air Time: Sunday 21:00
  • Broadcast period: 2011-Apr-00 to ? 
  • Official Site:



Abe plays the single Takagi Mamoru, an employee at a stationery maker. He ends up becoming the guardian of his deceased friend’s twin children, played by Ashida and actor Suzuki Fuku (6). The show is primarily a home drama about the three of them gradually becoming a family, but it also contains an element of fantasy, as the two kids find a dog that can speak (played by a male Miniature Schnauzer). The “Marumo” in the title refers to the children’s mispronunciation of Mamoru’s name.

P/S : Dalam list nie aku pilih BOSS (Season 2) sebab aku dah layan yang 1st Season....^_^ Bersambung di Part 2.........
